Legislation and functions

-Law No. 5 / 2004 of July 8th, of Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Galicia.

-Law No. 3 / 1993 of March 22nd, Basics of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation.

According to the Law 5/2004 of July 8th, of Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Galicia (D.O.G No 140 of July 21st, 2004), the Galician Council of Chambers is established, as a representation and coordination agency of the Chambers and as an advisory and collaborative body of the Galician Regional Government (Xunta de Galicia) and public administrations in general.

The Galician Council of Chambers is constituted as a corporation under public laws, with legal status and full capacity to perform for the accomplishment of its objectives.

The functions of the Council of Galician Chambers, as stated in Article 50 of the Law
5/2004, and without prejudice to the powers conferred upon the Chambers, are:

a) To defend the integrated global interests of commerce, industry and navigation in the area of the Autonomous Region.

b) To promote commercial arbitration.

c) To represent all the Chambers of Galicia before the Public Administration and other institutions, public or private, without prejudice to the competence of each Chamber.

d) To be the body of coordination and impulse of the joint measures taken by the Chambers and promotion of the maximum development of their duties.

e) To enhance joint service delivery among Chambers.

f) To coordinate the issuance of reports, at the request of the government in those matters of cross-sectoral nature affecting trade, industry or navigation of the Autonomous Region, beyond the scope of each individual member Chamber.

g) To coordinate the development and updating of statistics on trade, industry and navigation in accordance with the provisions of the Galician Law of Statistics No. 9 / 1988, July 19th and its corresponding norms, and conduct assessment surveys and needed studies to know the status of the various sectors in Galicia, coordinating actions carried out by the Chambers in these matters.

h) To establishing advisory services and support for the Galician Chambers or collaboration agreements with them prior authorization by their ruling bodies.

i) To mediate and settle the conflicts or disagreements that might arise among the Chambers.

j) To establishing agreements with other public and private entities, as well as joint action plans for the Galician Chambers and corresponding funding proposals, with special focus on the promotion of products, industry and tourism abroad.

k) To deliver reports on the projects steered by the Galician Government regulations directly affecting the interests of the commerce, industry or services sectors represented by the Chambers, under the conditions and scope determined by the legal code.

l) To propose the adoption of standards and regulations in matters directly affecting the general interests of commerce, industry and navigation in Galicia.

m) To collaborate with the Regional Administration, when required, issuing reports, conducting studies, projects, actions and activities in the areas of trade, industry and navigation affecting the whole Autonomous Region or several Chamber´s districts.

n) To advise the Regional Administration on issues relating to trade, industry and navigation by own initiative or when required, as well as proposing any reforms deemed necessary for the defence and promotion of the same issues.

ñ) Under certain circumstances, conditions and scope established by the Regional Administration, the Council will cooperate in the public programs proceedings to aid businesses, management of public services, administrative duties entrusted and will participate in those infrastructure projects and services affecting the whole Galician Community.

o) To provide other services or activities, onerous or lucrative, that will benefit the interests represented by the Chambers.

p) To develop annually a census of all public companies, their delegations, agencies and establishments based in the Autonomous Region, and their delegations, according to the one made by each of the Chambers.

q) Coordinate any other activity of public nature assigned by the Regional Administration.

r) Any other powers conferred explicitly by law.

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